Tuesday, January 31, 2012

a good vet is hard to find (luckily i found mine)

the first hurdle for finding a ferret vet is that not all veterinary offices even see ferrets. as much as i'm in denial of the fact that ferrets are exotic pets, they technically are in the world of veterinary medicine. so finding a good vet may not be too terribly tough to find, especially in a large metro area like the twin cites, but finding a good ferret vet can be a bit of a challenge.

before finding my current vet i called all the vets in my area and there was only one that saw ferrets. this was when i lived in plymouth, a western suburb of minneapolis. i even felt somewhat lucky in that the office had two different locations, both of which had vets that saw ferrets, so if i couldn't get in at one location i could get into the other. so i took cassie and sunny d there. then miss nyddah when i got her. later when i adopted doodle and podo that was the office they were already going to because their ferrents lived in minnetonka.

this was in my early time as a ferrent. i looked to my vet to be the specialist, to know about ferrets and give me advice on the things that i wasn't sure about. i can't say that i started to have my doubts about this clinic right away, it was more like building blocks. one little thing stacked on another and another until i just didn't have a great feeling about them.

one of the first things that put me off was the way they interacted with nyddah when i brought her in for her free humane society appointment. they kind of made me feel like i was bothering them with the free appointment. ok, so i wasn't paying for it, but the humane society was reimbursing them, they were getting paid. but, they just treated her like because she was scruffy looking and had the cyst that she wasn't as good as a healthy kit.

it's hard to describe in a way. but there just wasn't the tenderness with nyddah that i get at my current vet. they were also trying to pressure me hard into doing surgery on her cyst. i sometimes am very sure about things, i can't explain why, but sometimes i just know something is or isn't right. and i knew then, and i know now, surgery is not the best option for nyddah. the old office just didn't like that decision on my part.

there were other little things along the way. some things that just rubbed me a bit the wrong way, giving me a bit of an uneasy feeling. and then other things that were just plan wrong like when one of the "ferret" vets told me ferrets usually live 12-15 years (sadly they do not really live that long). i found myself knowing more than the specialists i was taking my kids to. and that's not a great feeling.

in january of 2009 i met some fabulous ferrents who had a little fuzzy, monkey, who was anemic and needed blood transfusions. they needed big strong boy ferrets to donate blood for her. i arranged to drop doodle and cassie off at their vets office before work and then they'd bring the boys back to their house and i'd pick them up after work. monkey came through the transfusion with flying colors, i met some great fellow ferrents, and life continued as usual.

monkey needed transfusions every few months. over time i became friends with her ferrents and made many trips back and forth to minneapolis dropping off or picking up boys who were donating blood for her. over this time i got to know the techs and staff at their vet's office. not only did their vet treat ferrets, but they also did procedures such as blood transfusions. i'd never heard of that before. (pictured at right doodle, linus, and sundance hanging out at monkey's ferrents' house post transfusion visit)

it took me a bit to make the switch because minneapolis was a longer drive than golden valley from my home in plymouth. the last straw with my previous office came when daredevil died. i took his body into my old office for cremation and they made me feel guilty that i wasn't paying to upgrade to a fancy urn instead of the velvet bag for his cremains (keep in mind my previous experiences with my dogs we got the cremains back in a cardboard box, that was the only option we were given).

one day after getting no where with the other clinic on other treatment options for nyddah i called to see if i could bring her in to Lake Harriet Veterinary. i'd never taken any of my ferrets there, but they knew me from my guys being "monkey's donors." my first visit and i knew that i had found my new vet's office. nyddah was very at ease there and they gave me other treatment options and didn't blink when i said that i wasn't willing to consider surgery. they drained the cyst, we did some pathology results, and came up with the plan to watch the cyst, drain it as needed, and keep an eye on her behavior.

and with that one appointment i immediately switched clinics. they know ferrets. they know how crazy ferrents can be about their ferrets. they understand and accept that craziness in a wonderful way. and i felt so at ease with all the staff from the very start. isn't it funny how one little thing can change your life? i answered a craig's list ad looking for ferrets to donate blood and i found great new friends, a really awesome vet clinic, and wonderful new playmates for my fuzzies.

pictured at left is nyddah (top) with her friend monkey (bottom) january 2011. sadly monkey has moved onto the next life and crossed the rainbow bridge. but i know that she had so many good years full of life and vigor due to the wonderful care she received at lake harriet veterinary. their guidance and care is also what is keeping nyddah going. if it wasn't for them i'm not sure nyddah would have seen 2012. there is no other way to put it other than: they have heart.

my message to all other ferrents and ferrents to be: find a good ferret vet. trust your instincts. when you find the right one you'll know. and, don't let distance be a factor. when i take my fuzzies to see their friends at lake harriet the drive is about 30 miles one way. in rush hour that can take me up to an hour each direction. sure, there are clinics closer to me that say they "treat" ferrets, but i wouldn't take my babies anywhere else.

top 10 reasons i love my vet:
10 ~ they understand pets are a pet parent's children & treat them as such.
9 ~ i'm greeted with a smile every time i go into the clinic.
8 ~ they e-mailed me nyddah's test results of her blood work.
7 ~ they understand ferrets travel in packs.
6 ~ anytime i call they are great about answering all my questions.
5 ~ they respect my decisions about my furkids.
4 ~ they sent a sympathy card after podo passed away.
3 ~ they know what ferret crack/moonshine is & keep it on hand.
2 ~ they do follow up calls to check up on how my kids are doing (most recently to see how lucy was doing after the squashing incident).
and the number 1 reason i love my vet is: ~ my vet is a fellow ferrent!

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