Saturday, January 21, 2012

so, you're a ferret person, huh?

i was recently filling out a shopping survey and under the pet section i was shocked, and semi outraged, to see only two options: dog or cat. there wasn't even an other check box. so, you're either a dog person or a cat person. what about a ferret person? ok, i'll admit that ferrets aren't necessarily a very popular pet. i feel like they are gaining popularity lately, or that may just be because i have ferrets i'm more aware of mention of them. but, it's not like i have a pet translucent albino narcoleptic nocturnal yeti or something like that (ok, that may be kind of cool, but that litter box would be a bear to clean).

i mean, ferrets are almost a household name. they are great small pets with big personalities. when are ferrets going to get their love from the mainstream?

maybe we need a ferret as a white house pet? smokey (pictured at left) even has a patriotic tie he could wear. nah, never mind. we don't need more weasels in washington (yes, that was horrible, i agree, but i simply could not resist). but seriously, has there ever been a pet in the white house besides a dog or a cat? maybe it's time for something other than the usual status quo.

i do recall the pop commercial with the ferret with a chainsaw. which was mildly amusing. more so because in order for a ferret to hold a chainsaw the chainsaw would need to be barbie doll size and would maybe be able to cut a chopstick. maybe. and there were the beer commercials with the ferret. but i don't remember a lot about that ferret. maybe it's something to do an online video search for.

a few celebrities have ferrets. my favorite is, of course, the football player with pet ferrets named smoke and glee. he very quickly became my favorite person in the NFL when i heard about this. i've considered writing to his rep to offer my services as a ferret sitter when he's on the road. i have good references, i baby sit for my vet when she's gone. i happen to have two of her babies, dexter and hermione, right now.

ferrets have even made it, somewhat, to hollywood. the little fuzzies are really like two year olds, full of energy and hard to train, so i can understand why there aren't more on both the big and small screen, however here is a list of movies with ferrets:
~the big lebowski
~dr. doolittle 2
~harry potter & the priznor of azkaban (not sure i like this one, hagrid feeds buckbeak a dead ferret)
~harry potter & the goblet of fire (draco is turned into a ferret)
~kindergarten cop

what does it all mean in the end? in the end i feel like it means that being a ferret person is a little like being the odd kid out. you're a little bit kooky. you're a little bit misunderstood. not necessarily in a bad way, but just on the edge a little bit. without intending to do so, you set yourself apart as a mystery. you take a bit more effort to be understood, but in the end the effort is more than worth the pay out.

when i'm asked what i think it means to be a ferret person, i answer: it means a combination of the best qualities of a dog person and the best qualities of a cat person. just like ferrets are the best combination of dogs and cats. just like ferrets aren't quite like any other creature, ferrents are not quite like any other pet parent.

ferrets are loyal and yet independent. they need to see their human and interact with them, but they don't necessarily need to be glued to their side. they are intelligent with a knack for problem solving. they are tenacious and refuse to give up when they really want something. at the same time they totally have adhd because they are bursting with energy and try to do everything and be everywhere all at once. and they are empaths. when you're sad your ferret knows it and will try to make you feel better in their own way. when i'm sad doodle and marley will chase each other and clown it up for me. while my miss nyddah will stand at my feet, tilt her head, and try to cuddle and give me kisses.

i may not be a check box on a survey, but is that really such a bad thing? i'd rather be honest to myself and outside of the "norm." fitting in with others, but feeling wrong in your own skin is no way to live. don't get me wrong, i've loved my pet dogs. i've adored my pet cats. and i still love other peoples' dogs and cats. but, i really am a ferret person. and i wouldn't have my life any other way. it's chaotic and full of the unexpected and the unusual, but it's my usual, so it's comforting and reassuring.

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